Senin, 18 April 2011

Pregnant Women Who Have Morning Sickness will Produce Intelligent Descendants

Nausea accompanied with a desire to vomit, generally felt women who are pregnant. Conditions that are also called morning sickness is often inhibits the activity of pregnant women. Quite often from those who felt his body limp, tired and lazy to do something. But you Taukah, morning sickness that often interfere with pregnant women was beneficial consequences for the development of the fetus?
According to the Canadian study, mothers suffering from morning sickness during her pregnancy will produce offspring that intelligent and have high IQ scores.
This result is known, after a team of scientists from The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, doing research since the year 1998 - 2003 involving about 121 women who are pregnant. They also then did an IQ test on children of the mothers are aged between 3-7 years.
It is known that the hormone that makes mothers feel ill proved beneficial for the fetus in its development. The results that have been published online in The Journal of Paediatrics indicates that the terrible pain suffered by the mother is what determines the high value of intelligence of children. Children who are born from a mother who often feel the nausea and vomiting during pregnancy had looked better in intelligence tests.
In that study, the research team also did not ignore other factors that could affect children's intelligence level, such as the level of maternal IQ, maternal lifestyle as is often whether or not to consume alcoholic beverages during pregnancy as well as socio-economic status families. All these factors are also used as a guide in the study.
Dr. Irena Nulman, who was involved in research along with colleagues of other scientists, believe that the pain suffered by the mother during pregnancy, can be a side effect of changes in hormone levels, known as the hormone HCG (Human Chronic Gonadotropin) and thyroxine. These fluctuations help determine whether a well-developed maternal placenta to deliver essential nutrients for the baby.
Source: conectique

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