Senin, 18 April 2011

Oral Sex Diseases Act

undefinedSurge in cases of oropharyngeal cancer in the past two decades was influenced by changes in sexual behavior of people there, especially oral sex behavior. The comments came in a conference held by the American Association for Cancer Research that discusses the transmission of human papilloma virus (HPV) in head and neck cancer cases. Infection with the virus causing the number of oropharyngeal cancer incidence, which includes the tumor in the throat, tonsils, and tongue surface, rose dramatically.
In fact, the study of oropharyngeal tissue tumors in 20 years ago showed only 20 percent of HPV infections. "This is a real trend because it is the fact that cancer incidence rates increased orophrayngeal should be concerned," said Scott Lippman, MD from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

When was smoking and alcohol blamed as the main culprit causing oral cancer, is now the most common cause switch on HPV infection. American Cancer Society stated that based on the diagnosis, more than half of cases of oropharyngeal cancer caused by HPV virus.

"Changes in sexual behavior in the last 20 years, especially oral sex, raising the incidence of cancer," said Chief Medical Officer of ACS Otis Brawley. Evidence also shows that oral HPV infection also increases the risk factors for esophageal cancer (throat), continued Brawley.

Based on this, according to Lippman, is now targeting physicians to disseminate information on oropharyngeal cancer is not a parent and a smoker, but young people, employees, as well as teens who do not understand that a healthy sex. The experts also agreed that oral sex is not safe sex.

Source: kompas

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